Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Paperxchange4Art "Twibe" on Twitter

Hi Friendly friends,
Would love to have any scrap-bookers, art journalers, collage artists, art journalers, papermakers, etc. come and join our Twibe. It's a small but growing group of talented, lovely and wise folks who have interests in the arts, writing, etc. The Twibe can be used for posting links to your own work, projects your working on, or as suggested, a place to be paired up with someone to exchange paper with.
Paper meaning: any scraps, cropped art, collage bits, etc. We will pair you up with a buddy and you can send each other an envelope full of fun bits and pieces. Nothing complicated - just fun to

do. Think of all the bits of scraps you have hanging around - embelishments that are "flatish" too. Come and visit the site and join us! Love to have you! Hugs, Sammy http://www.twibes.com/group/Paperxchange4art Picture: I had a fun time playing with collage/art journaling.